ASD - Social Communication Difficulties Support for Parents

Support in your Local Area

On this page you will hopefully find links to other agencies and groups that can support you in your local area.
 Wirral Autistic society began in 1968 and was one of the first of its kind in the country.  The Society has the only Family Support Service available on the Wirral and provides support to over 400 families.  The Society provides the only drop-in information centre on the Wirral at the Wirral Centre for Autism. They also run a variety of clubs and sessions during the school breaks, weekends and after school clubs:
  • Activity Clubs
  • Chillin’ and Chattin’
  • Sibling Support
  • Sitting Service
  • Rainbow Groups
  • Parenting Course
  • Workshops
  • Drop-in Resource
  • Coffee, Cake, Communicate
Click on the link below to go to thier website.  You can download the pdf file which will give you some information about the society.

MACS is a small registered charity based on Merseyside run by parent & grandparent volunteers to offer information & support to families living with autism

They  currently have membership of around  140 families who come from all over Merseyside most of whom live on the Wirral.
Membership is open to any family who have an autistic child/children or associated social communication disorder.

 Their aim is to offer information and support to families living with autism by providing regular autism friendly outings and activities which the whole family can enjoy, along with that vital opportunity to network with other families who face similar challenges.