Homework Policy

Orrets Meadow and Homework


Homework and the support of parents and carers at home, is recognised as vitally important to a child’s successful learning. At Orrets Meadow we value the efforts of parents to help their child make the best progress they can. We also want to break down the negative feelings our pupils often have about reading and writing so hope that it will be a positive experience for all.


Children with difficulties in acquiring basic literacy and numeracy skills, often have poor memories and find it hard to process and recall information. Over-learning and repetition form a major part of our learning programme and homework gives the opportunity to practise again what they have learnt at school.


Mental Health and Well being 

Homework is an important part in ensuring consistency and overlearning for all pupils. The mental health and well- being of all pupils at Orrets Meadow is paramount and consideration has been made to provide a balanced programme of work. However if at any time a child becomes distressed, worried or upset, then the teacher should be notified to ensure that any problems can be addressed.