Teaching Teams - Numeracy

Orrets Meadow Specialist Teaching Team Numeracy  


There are 3 teachers in the OMS Outreach Numeracy Team.  This team supports the learning of children with numeracy/dyscalculic difficulties on an individual basis in mainstream schools.  Assessments are completed and used to create baseline information on which to set individual targets and form the basis of teaching programmes.  At present 8 schools buy into the OMS Numeracy Service. Please refer to list of schools below.

Schools providing Orrets Numeracy Outreach


The Birkenhead School


Higher Bebington Primary


Oxton St. Saviour's

St. John's Juniors



The teaching methods are similar to those used by all Orrets Meadow teachers i.e. multisensory, structured and cumulative with opportunities for regular revision and over-learning.  Outreach Teachers aim to provide homework activities for their pupils and develop good links with parents/carers and school colleagues.

From Sept 2016 to July 2019, pupils on Outreach Maths made average progress of 15 months in Number age.  

The team also provide Inset/training in a number of areas including numeracy difficulties, dyscalculia and T.A. training.

This is a traded service.  For further details about Orrets Meadow Outreach Specialist Services

Please contact:

Mrs Cathy Cotgrave,  Head of Outreach

Orrets Meadow School

email: cotgravec@orretsmeadow.wirral.sch.uk

Telephone 0151 678 8070